Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Commitment at it's finest

You know that old saying a picture says a thousand words? Well this one screams those words in your face. I'm sure most of you have seen this by now but it's been pushed aside like so many red solo cups onto the floor after a night of heavy drinking into the empty space that is memory loss.

The simple fact is this man who is clearly 25 at least, did something that my five year old nephew hasn't done in two years, and that is shit himself. This isn't just a little "shart" either, it's full on diarrhea in front of, what looks like a very good size crowd. At this point, why stop? its down to his knee cap and clearly the poor SOB is determined to finish this race because it's on his bucket list.

Not only did this picture get whomever took it promoted, but also made sure that this guy will never again have sex due to the girl (who is presumably no more than a 6) having a fear in the back of her mind that he could paint the ceiling at any second. It's because of this picture that whenever I go running, which is close to never, and I feel one ounce of gas coming on I call it a day because that extra cardio is not worth my dignity.

The harsh truth of the matter is this man is white and most likely in dead last, or close to it, and the winner, most likely of kenyan decent, is already on his way home because he finished three hours ago. Thanks for being committed but I'll stick to playing X-box, being somewhat out of shape and having easy access to a bathroom when I feel diarrhea coming on.