Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fan outperforms Houston Astros

We've all seen the highlights, dumb drunk fans running onto the field of play for a moment of glory only to be tackled Ray Lewis style by a 300 pound security guard who happens to be in the right place at the right time. Like my last story, this is outdated and out of mind, and I think we all need a little reminder that there is hope out there for regular drunken guys to do some good. 

I mean the last exciting time for the Houston Astros was when Roger Rocket Clemens was pitching for them, granted he was most likely on enough steroids to kill a full grown male gorilla, but he was exciting to watch pitch none the less. Remember the "rocket arm" that Roger Clemens endorsed? I remember trying it at a friends house and thinking how absolutely useless it was, and I was 12. 

Where were the red flags then? He obviously didn't get his 97 MPH fastball from this piece of shit but rather sticking needles into his ass. What he should have done was put his face on a syringe and marketed "Rogers Secret Stuff" because that contraption wasn't even good for paper weights and in short was fucking worthless. 

But back to the fan who gave the Astros the spark they needed. Watch this video and tell me this guy didn't come to the ball park 3 or 4 games before and planned his exact route. I can't tell you if the Astro's won or not because quite frankly I don't give a flying fuck but what I can tell you is this man deserves a medal

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